Considering Community Birth
To view a past Q & A information session, please visit We are no longer hosting sessions monthly, but if you have questions, please reach out to us [email protected]. The linked video above and the Considering Community Birth video below will provide an opportunity for birthing families in the San Francisco Bay Area to connect with local midwives and learn more about midwifery based options available to them. Blossom hosted this session in response to the increased interest in out-of-hospital (community based) birthing options during the current coronavirus pandemic. This session is also appropriate if you have ever considered birthing at home or in a birth center with a midwife. This short, comprehensive pre-recorded presentation by Bay Area midwife Morgan West, LM, CPM offers an overview of community birth. This video presentation can be viewed any time online. We hope this presentation will offer a perspective from one practitioner as a first step to understanding the midwifery care model. |
Registration InfoWe invite Bay Area practicing midwives to join our panel, please use this form to sign up for dates that work best for you (also please share this with your community birth clients who might be willing to participate): Become a member