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Breastfeeding Connections - Free!

Join us! Drop Ins Welcome!

Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't always come naturally. Building community with other nursing parents can help you feel more confident and less alone.

Are you struggling with getting your baby to latch? Worried whether your baby is getting enough to eat?  Wondering how to get anything done when it feels like your baby is constantly nursing? Juggling breastfeeding and work?

Join other nursing parents in Blossom Birth's safe and supportive Breastfeeding Connections community. Get your questions answered by a Nursing Mothers Counsel trained volunteer breastfeeding counselor, and meet other nursing parents who share these challenges with you. Open to all nursing parents including partners/support people.

All nursing families are welcome. Whether you are pregnant and seeking info, have a baby or a toddler—and whether or not you need breastfeeding help—come enjoy the company of other breastfeeding moms and parents!

Special Offer!
​Thanks to program sponsor, pumpspotting, Blossom parents can enjoy 3 free months of access to their amazing app! Download it and use the code below!



Founded in 1999, Blossom Birth & Family is a 501 c(3) community based nonprofit organization.

EIN #77 0506942

© 2025 by Blossom Birth & Family. Rights Reserved. Powered by

 Contact Us

At this time, the BEST way to reach a member of the team is to email us:

Voicemails are checked once a day, please give us 24 hours to respond

Location: 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am- 2pm     

Sat & Sun: 9am - 12:30pm
and by appointment


Social Media

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Disclaimer: Blossom is not a Medical Provider and Does not Provide Medical Services.  It is understood by all persons who use Blossom’s  services that: (a) Blossom is not a medical provider and does not render medical or other health care services or treatments to any and all persons who use Blossom’s services and Blossom’s services are not intended to or shall be interpreted as imposing, any duty or obligation to provide such health care services; (b) Blossom is not in any way responsible for the health care that is delivered by a health care provider to any and all persons who use Blossom’s services; (c) health care providers are solely responsible for the health care they deliver to any and all persons using Blossom’s services; and (d) health care providers are not Blossom’s agents or employees.

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