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Make Up Policy

Class Make Up Policy

Childbirth Prep Class Policies

We strongly encourage our students to be present at EVERY scheduled class in their Childbirth Prep series. The quality of your learning experience is dependent on being present to receive all the material, as the concepts presented are interdependent. Your teacher and classmates benefit from continuity of attendance as well. Please choose dates accordingly.

Occasionally there are situations beyond your control, like illness, which demand that you miss class. We have the following policy regarding make-ups:

  • Please notify the instructor before the class, so that he/she knows not to wait on you.

  • The instructor will provide you with missed learning materials including class assignments/ suggested reading/ handouts/ etc. via email or at the next class meeting as appropriate.

  • Instructors are available 15 minutes prior to or after class to answer questions. Any time beyond this is considered a consultation at the rate of $50 per hour, payable directly to the teacher at the time of the consultation. Please notify the instructor if you would like to schedule a consultation.

  • Instructors are not responsible for submitting learning materials for no-shows without prior notification.

  • Exceptions to this policy are at the instructor's discretion.

All Other Class Series

We strongly encourage our students to be present at EVERY scheduled class in their series. Your class experience is enhanced when you are able to receive all the materials, instruction and build community.  Often times students miss a day or two of class.  We leave it up to instructors to decide how to handle make ups for their classes.  

Some allow you to sit in on a later session, but we cannot guarantee due to space constraints.  If you are unsure if you can attend, it is best to wait.  Please choose class dates accordingly.


Founded in 1999, Blossom Birth & Family is a 501 c(3) community based nonprofit organization.

EIN #77 0506942

© 2025 by Blossom Birth & Family. Rights Reserved. Powered by

 Contact Us

At this time, the BEST way to reach a member of the team is to email us:

Voicemails are checked once a day, please give us 24 hours to respond

Location: 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am- 2pm     

Sat & Sun: 9am - 12:30pm
and by appointment


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Disclaimer: Blossom is not a Medical Provider and Does not Provide Medical Services.  It is understood by all persons who use Blossom’s  services that: (a) Blossom is not a medical provider and does not render medical or other health care services or treatments to any and all persons who use Blossom’s services and Blossom’s services are not intended to or shall be interpreted as imposing, any duty or obligation to provide such health care services; (b) Blossom is not in any way responsible for the health care that is delivered by a health care provider to any and all persons who use Blossom’s services; (c) health care providers are solely responsible for the health care they deliver to any and all persons using Blossom’s services; and (d) health care providers are not Blossom’s agents or employees.

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