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      Story Time        by Booklove


December 4th and January 29th
4:15pm at the OFJCC Jeff Center for Families, room G-106

Booklove is a company dedicated to helping families create well-rounded libraries for their little ones. It was founded by two moms who believe that reading helps develop the parent and child bond from birth.

Booklove specializes in curating high-quality children’s books, offering book bundles and subscriptions for kids 0-8. Please visit our website at to view our offerings and learn more about us.

Description of story time books 

The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats 
A timeless picture book that captures the magic of a child’s first snowfall. It follows Peter, a young boy, as he explores his snow-covered neighborhood, making tracks, building a snowman, and enjoying simple, joyful adventures. Through its vivid illustrations and gentle narrative, the story celebrates the wonder of childhood and the beauty of winter.

The Magical Snowflake by Bernette Ford, illustrated by Erin K. Robinson
Set in the midst of winter's chill and with no snow, Ori and her friends yearn to play outdoors. Ori makes a heartfelt wish, and soon, a special snowflake brings joy to the entire town.

Story time will include fun songs and interactive elements!

Donations Welcome
Thank you for your support


Founded in 1999, Blossom Birth & Family is a 501 c(3) community based nonprofit organization.

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Mon - Fri: 10am- 2pm     

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